TMJ Massage

This treatment includes an in-depth massage focusing on the Temporal Mandibular Joint and the surrounding areas. Exterior massage movements focus on the jaw, head, neck and thoracic inlet while an internal massage (preformed with gloves) focuses on restrictions in the oral cavity. The goal of this treatment is to create ease, spaciousness, and coherency aiding in alignment and health to the TMJs and surrounding areas.

You do not have to be diagnosed with a TMJ disorder to benefit from this treatment. This supports anyone dealing with heightened stress, headaches, over pronounced masseter muscles and general tension in the jaw, head or neck area. Multiple sessions may be suggested depending on each individual case. 

This treatment can be incredibly supportive in conjunction with a Craniosacral Therapy session. Allow ninety minutes to combine both treatments.  


“I came to Sarah after years of chronic jaw pain and tightness. I had tried a mouth guard and acupuncture but was not seeing results, so I decided to try massage therapy. My work with Sarah has been life changing, she not only soothed my pain but also helped me become more aware of how my habits were negatively impacting my TMJ. I would recommend her to anybody who has been suffering from TMJ.”

-Emily Moffet 

“Sarah Clark is amazing! I have gone twice now for a TMJ massage and once for Craniosacral Therapy. I felt like my senses improved-like I could breath and smell better. Wonderful!”

-Sabrina B

“Came in for a TMJ massage with Sarah and it was a GAME CHANGER! I’m a singer and have issues with jaw tension, but after one session I could already hear the difference. After two sessions, I’ve become much more aware of jaw/facial tension and can correct it more easily myself! Sarah talked me though the whole process and gave me great tips. Highly recommend!” 

-Jess Coles